General Points

  • Use a sensible font, such as 11 or 12, and do not be tempted to cram in more text in a smaller font.
  • Use basic headings to engage the employer, such as, career history or relevant skills & experience.
  • Keep the CV concise, avoiding large blocks of text that will not be read.
  • Split information into individual focused bullet points.
  • Start sentences with competency-based words that stress the skill, quality or attribute you are presenting.
  • CVs should be a maximum of two pages.
  • Ensure to check spelling and grammar, and ask a third party to read through the final version.
  • In the main, graphics and gimmicks are always to be avoided.
  • Using tables and charts can make a CV look cluttered and detract from the information given.
  • Try to use a consistent style and format not indulging in over the top underlining and capitals.
  • Try a different or larger font for headings and use bold for emphasis.